Tips to Promote Paintings Online Through SEO in 2020
Guest Author: Prashali | Category: Internet
An artist, especially a painter or a sculptor, would prefer the solitude of his studio while he gives shape to his creativity. Search Engine Optimization is not their cup of tea. But, the importance of SEO can’t be ignored by the fact that it delivers significant improvement in the marketing of their paintings online and which is very important.
If artists do not play the ball in their court, then they are definitely going to miss something. You can’t admire or criticize anything unless we have seen it. That being said, whether artists find themselves in a comfortable zone in it, if artists don’t care about how their website is going to be optimized irrespective of how beautiful and attractive it looks, their artwork is likely to never get found online.
Your online reputation is also as important as the positive word of mouth propagated by others. Collectors, art curators, gallery owners, journalists, etc. all are going to have a view about your work and they will need a platform to express their views if they find one.
So, here are some tips to manage your online presence:-
1. Find out the relevant keywords and start identifying and targeting the audience!
You stop nurturing your mind when you stop thinking and start to do things without a reasonable plan. A painter who wants to sell his artwork should think about the type of audience he might attract. As an artist, you need to look out for opportunities to understand
Take the first 15 minutes of your day to think about your unique audience for your artwork. Are they young, edgy and interested in lower-cost pieces or homeowners looking for an investment piece? Your audience and their interests will be what drives your SEO keywords.
Those keywords are to be used on the website at different locations like in the images, the content you will post, press releases, etc. avoid generalized terms that make your keyword highly competitive. When you are dealing with common keyword then you need to get specific overtime or add information exclusive to your websites with them like your name or location.
2. Tag images and title of the content with the keyword
This exercise is important as this would tell the search engines as to how to register your website. you need to replace the image alt tags like IMP003857.GIF or.JPG with the keyword you want to tag it with or something related that people may want to find. The tags or phrases with which you want to tag the images of your paintings online must be separated with dashes between each and every word.
3. Deliver trending content and market your website through other platforms
There is a shortcut with which you can achieve the desired SEO rank. That will land up your website on the first page of Google. The way is to make your portfolio feature on a high ranking and credible website like Mojarto, Artzolo, IndianArtIdeas, etc.
Google itself with the help of its algorithm determines whether your site is good enough or not. But, you may speed up the process. A websites’ credibility depends upon the host like in case of websites of government bodies, traffic coming on the site and bounce rate. If you profile features on a good website then it will eventually bring more traffic to your site.
The bounce rate could only be managed if you create good and quality content for the users. If your content is catchy and user stays on your website long enough not to increase the bounce rate, then it is alright. Post ingenious and trending content to make it less.
The best way to capture the attention of the user is to tag relevant images. Write the blog posts in small paragraphs and comprehensible language. Users would try to relate more if the content addresses current concerns. You may post the images of an artwork on which you are working in different stages to make it more engaging. Avoid stuffing keywords to deflect penalties by Google.
As a matter of fact, it has been observed that longer the length of the content, it becomes more likely that it would rank more. Keep your paragraphs short and avoid using complex sentences.
4. Make gateways so that your blog posts or your website may be shared through different modes.
How does Google know that some page is most relevant or not? It makes it possible my collating the data as to how many clicks the page has received. The more the clicks, the more popular your page becomes. So, you need to make gateways and links in your blog posts so that the user may share that if he likes on other platforms like Whatsapp, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram.
You may also keep your audience engaged by organizing contests and organizing live events such as posting live videos of your paintings online. Creating a section for weekly updates like a newsletter may also benefit your website. Your customers will value you if you value them.
If your blog posts are linked with other websites like newspapers, website of ministry of art and culture, etc., it will make Google consider your content as relevant. You may also allow other websites to post guest posts on your platform and you may ask for the same favor. It will boost your credibility in the eyes of users and google if you manage to post something and create back-links for your website on third party websites. The ranking is all about popularity and popularity is all about clicks.
5. Patience and continuity are the highest virtue!
Incorporating these tools and tricks may not give you instant results as is expected in this internet age as Rome was not built in a day. But, it will certainly make sure that ranking of your website becomes good.
It may take a while and some months to be very specific to see the effect of the efforts you have put.
If anyone wants to gain or lose weight, they are put on a diet for some time. They don’t get to see the results overnight. So, you need to be consistence in your work. Once you have reached the desired ranking doesn’t mean that your work is done. The competition is tough and you will have to put a lot more effort to maintain your rank. SEO would definitely make your time count and help your artwork in getting recognition it deserves.
Search Engine Optimization and marketing are becoming synonymous in this digital world when E-commerce platforms are growing at an annual rate of 22% in India. So, becoming aware of SEO has become imperative for an artist like never before.
Guest Author:
Prashali has completed her Master's in law and is working as a content writer at Indian Art Ideas. She happens to be an art and literature enthusiast and likes to travel and watch web series in her free time.
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